Terms and Conditions

Terms/Disclaimers Specific to ChainMeet

With ChainMeet, you meet with an actual friend that you know well; be sure you safely meet with a ValuedFriend with whom you already have an established friendship. This is not a network for meeting new friends, or meeting with someone you do not know. This is not a dating network. This is for adults over the age of 18. ChainMeet reserves the permission to use all photos uploaded to the site.

The contents of this website are those of Sue Welch, the Founder of ChainMeet. These views are based on her personal experience, through casual interviews and conversations, and what has worked for her through her RealFriend journey. The views expressed are those of the author alone, except for quoted content, and should not be taken as expert instruction, commands, therapy, or medical advice. Neither the Founder nor ChainMeet assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein. Neither the Founder nor ChainMeet assumes any responsibility or liability on the behalf of the User or Reader of this content. This website is for entertainment purposes only. The User is solely responsible for his or her future actions or ChainMeets. We make no guarantees of future success. However, by following the steps that are listed on this website, the potential of becoming the RealFriend you aspire to be and making an impact in the world around you has a much higher probability.

ChainMeet Code of Conduct

In concert with our Commitment to you, this Code reflects the principles of the Mission, Vision, the Core Values of both ChainMeet and you, RealFriends:

  • For your ChainMeet, you meet with an actual friend that you know well. Be sure you safely meet with a ValuedFriend with whom you already have an established friendship. This is not a network for making or meeting new friends, or meeting with someone you do not know. This is not a dating network.

  • ChainMeet is informal, conversational, real, and authentic, but strives to uphold high standards for honesty, integrity, and good judgment.

  • There is no gray area to be your best. You can be the best person you can be, doing your best, speaking your best, sharing your best. Be good and responsible stewards of the RealFriends we are and the personalities we have.

  • Accept and honor RealFriends – we are all from diverse backgrounds, with varied experiences.

  • Focus on building one another up with goodwill, solutions, and inspiration rather than focusing on complaints.

  • Be respectful, kind, positive, encouraging, uplifting, and motivational.

  • Let’s enjoy the experience of RealConnection, being an impact in the world around us, feeling confident in ourselves as RealFriends, and thriving in linking friendship forward.

  • When sharing your ChainMeet, NO profanity, cursing, blaming, complaining, criticizing, judging, slamming, exposing dirty laundry, harassment, or disputes of political/religious beliefs.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, you may contact us at connect@chainmeet.com.

ChainMeet does not discriminate against applicants, residents, homebuyers, renters, or employees on the basis of their race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, or disability.

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