two friends walking down a cobblestone road with a backpack and camera

Do You Have a Personal People Portfolio

My friend, Derrick Kinney, is a Financial Wealth Advisor in Arlington, TX who created the Good Money Framework and the popular Good Money with Derrick Kinney Podcast.

I heard him speak to a group on how to Live Life Brilliantly. He asked, “What matters most to you in life? As your financial advisor, I’m here to help you live the life you’ve earned … life can be brilliant… my specialty is to help you better understand yourself, your uniqueness, your goals and your dreams and to help you develop a personal plan to achieve that brilliant life.” 

I like that. I want my life to be brilliant! Don’t you?

We’ve all heard that we should have an investment portfolio. I bet you’re thinking a financial portfolio, right? Well, yes, you’re right. But Derrick also talks about a different investment portfolio. And it’s another term I love, that I think is also brilliant. He calls it a People Portfolio.

Just as a successful financial investment portfolio is diverse, so are your friendships. Think about all the friends you have. Isn’t each one different? Isn’t each one unique? You probably have a different level or a different type of friendship with each one.

Your People Portfolio of ValuedFriends is among your most valuable assets! In the financial world, you hear of Present Value and Future Value. We can think of our investment in our friends in those terms. Derrick asks, What do you think pays the greatest yield? What earns the most dividends? Your friends! 

And I’ll add that RealFriends bring in even more dividends.

Derrick explains:  Don’t wait till you have such ‘n such to invest. What do you have today to invest? Yourself! Take hold of your life today and give it away. 

The cool thing with RealFriends is that the more you give away, the more you receive back and increase dividends. Have you heard, Give and it shall be given to you? That’s what happens when RealFriends connect during ChainMeets. That’s reciprocity.

As you value your friend, your own present value grows and you can be confident for future value

Now go and inspire forward!